Co-Founder / Product Design & Research Integration, EmpaticaXR

Luis Miguel Samperio

Luis Miguel is a social entrepreneur, neurocinematics research implementer and futurist consultant exploring human potential and awakening through the transformative power of immersive narrative experiences in media technologies. His vision of augmented cognition encompasses the development of emotional/relational intelligence and the alteration of perception of self in digital environments. He is Co-Founder, responsible for product design and research integration, at EmpaticaXR, collective with the mission to facilitate personal transformation through intersubjective experiences via interactive storytelling and transpersonal psychology. Research Member at the ’empathic Reactive MediaLab Coalition (eRMLab Coalition)’ at ‘University Autónoma in Madrid”, focused on the progressive adaptation of media experiences based on user’s personality and emotions using biometrics, storytelling, visual arts and artificial intelligence technology. Ambassador in Spain of ‘Consciousness Hacking’, global community born in Silicon Valley exploring technology as a catalyst for psychological, emotional and spiritual flourishing. Delegate at ‘NEXUS Global’, global community founded to bridge communities of wealth and social entrepreneurship.